If you’ve been rejected or never been to Berghain, now’s your chance to get a look inside Germany’s iconic nightclub. Berghain is opening its doors for a 19-hour live stream with Ostgut Ton, the club’s label. This is a collaboration with ARTE Concert. Artists on the live stream line-up include Ben Klock, Paramida, KMRU among others.
Ostugut Ton is celebrating its 16th anniversary. In honor of its “Sweet Sixteen,” it’s rounding up its core artists from the label and club as well as other leading techno artists for special performances. ARTE Concert will be streaming three gigs exclusively recorded at the Halle am Berghain. The party will begin in the large hall of the former thermal power plant with collaborative live performances, featuring the ambient and the experimental sounds the Berlin club is so renowned for.
On the list of guests playing throughout the three days are:
Phillip Sollmann x Oren Ambarchi x Konrad Sprenger
Luke Slater x KMRU x Speedy J
Barker & Balmcker
Jessica Ekomane x Zoe Mc Pherson
Tobias. x Max Loderbauer
Terence Fixmer x Fatal Phase
JASSS x Hyperactivistt
Ben Bell x Stage Kyle
Fiddle x rRoxymore
Nick Höppner x Clone Dump
Boris x Norman Nodge
Substance aka DJ Pete x soundstream
Tama Sumo x Lakuti
Paramida for Massimiliano Pagliara
King Perez x Avalon Emerson
Answer Code Request x Gerd Janson
Andre Galluzzi x Ryan Elliott
Steffi x Virginia